The Soft Pink Truth - Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase? - New LP
Format: New Sealed LP Label: Thrill Jockey Cat. No. Thrill 519 Barcode: 790377051919 Released: 17/07/2020
Black vinyl
The Soft Pink Truth is Drew Daniel, who also forms one half of acclaimed electronic duo Matmos. Started as an outlet to explore visceral and sublime sounds that fall outside of Matmos’ purview, it draws on knowledge of rave, black metal, and crust punk obscurities to subvert and critique genre expectations. On this record Daniel takes a bold and surprising new direction, moving beyond simple plunderphonic sampling and opening up a genuine dialogue with other musicians, Daniel left room in his compositions for moments of genuine surprise, capturing the freeform, communal energy of a DJ set or live improvisation session more than a recording project. It feels ethereal but full, both ambiently hypnotic, and deliciously danceable.
The melodies, jubilance, and meditative nature of album provides a much-needed escape from the contemporary hell-scape. The process of creating Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase?, in and of itself, is the Soft Pink Truth’s way of championing creativity and community over rage and nihilism. Features Colin Self, Angel Deradoorian (previously Dirty Projectors), Jana Hunter, M.C. Schmidt, Koye Berry, Sarah Hennies, Andrew Bernstein (Horse Lords) and John Berndt